Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I was in the middle of a meeting at work this morning when my phone went off.  Normally, I would have ignored it.  But since The Teenager had called me from school just before my meeting started saying he didn't feel well, I checked it immediately.  It wasn't a call from the school, rather a text from my husband.

"I know you're at your meeting, but I gotta ask you.  Did you hear the two little boy voices playing in our room at 4 this morning?"  (Important fact: None of our children were home last night or this morning, it was just the two of us.)

Say whaaaaat?!  While it was certainly disturbing, it wasn't an emergency, so I waited until after my meeting to respond.  The answer, however, is no.  No, I did not hear two little boy voices in my bedroom this morning.  I actually slept okay last night, for a change.  It was thunderstorming.  Yes, in Michigan in January.  I looooove thunderstorms.  They relax me and help me sleep.  So I heard nothing. 

A stickler for details, I had to know what, exactly, he heard.  According to my husband, shortly after it began storming, he heard two little boys laughing, and then one said, "It's my turn."  "My turn" to what?!  Scare the crap out of these nice people who are just trying to sleep?  Good job, little ghost boys, good job.....

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